A New Olympic Event – Ring Tossing

olympic downdrain

I just don’t understand it. I receive a lot of calls to find lost rings that were lost during heated discussion. They don’t tell me that right away, but it eventually comes out. I guess they are embarrassed. I think ring tossing should be a new Olympic event. Most of the rings thrown aren’t cheap ones either. Throwing your rings is just like throwing money down the drain…

Many of the searches aren’t successful because they were tossed from a moving object, like a car or boat, and the owners are not really sure of the exact location they were at when they were tossed.

I am more successful when the women throw the rings, than a man. I guess it is because they don’t throw them as far.

If it did become an Olympic event, just think of all of the science & studies that would be done. We would probably have nearly 100% recovery rates. We would know the speed, arc of travel, normal distance they travel, blah blah blah…

If you have the urge to throw your rings away, contact me at 707-706-3626 and I’ll be right over. Throw them at me so I can save the search time and just put them into my retirement fund.  Don’t do something you will regret later. Take a step back and then take a deep breath and hold on to your rings!!

