Monthly Archives: May 2020

Football on the Beach Causes Lost Chai Charm in Margate


Playing football on a chilly day during the Memorial Day Weekend caused some heartache. Dean’s son lost a family Chai charm from a necklace. Kids will be kids, a chain was grabbed and snapped, the charm when flying, and quickly sank in the soft sand. It didn’t help that the wind was blowing sand all around. 

The lifeguards suggesting looking for people with metal detectors and Dean found me! A short time later It was in Dean’s hands. 

Read the full story here.


Another Victim to Yardwork

I received another search request earlier this week for a lost wedding ring. Paul was cleaning out ivy from his back yard. When he went inside & washed his hands he saw that his wedding ring was missing. 

I went over to his place after work. He showed me the area and I searched for all of 2 minutes before I uncovered his ring. The bonus he invited me back to search for artifacts. His house dates back to 1806. 

To read the full story click here.


Coronavirus – Lost Wedding Ring While Playing Field Hockey With The Kids

April 25th was a beautiful day to search for a ring. It was a 45-minute ride to West Chester PA. The search took 2 minutes. Well worth it though. I was glad that I was able to find it. The owner of the ring was relieved that she has the ring back.

Social distancing was in place. There were no handshakes or hugs. It was nice to get out and fire up my metal detector.

If you lose something, call a professional. This family spent may hours searching for this ring.

Read the full story here.
