Received an email from Jonathan earlier in the week. He asked if I could help him learn the metal detector that he just bought. I asked what was going on. He said his wife lost a sentimental earring somewhere in their yard. He bought a detector and he tested it on the earring that she didn’t lose and it didn’t beep.
I asked what kind of earring it was. He said it was a stud earring. I told him that studs are one of the hardest things to find due to the small amount of metal. I told him that I could come out and look for him.
We decided on Saturday morning. He showed me the area that they believed it was in, it was rather large. I brought 2 machines, my Equinox 800 and my Tiger Shark. I tested on the earring that they had. Both machines registered. I searched with the Nox it came up as a 1 on the meter.
I started searching. There were a lot of targets. There was 1 area of tin foil slaw (an area of small pieces of tin foil the was probably run over with a lawn mower). That slaw came up as 1 on the Nox.
Just over an hour into the search I was at the swing set. I got a 1 on the Nox. Looked through the grass and saw the earring. The post was bent. I had placed the other earring in a plastic baggie so I would lose it and could place it on the ground to test it. I put the one I just found in it and started walking to my truck.
Jonathan came out of the house and said I guess you didn’t find it. I asked if there was anywhere else that she might have been. I asked if they went through her car? I said let me give you this one back. He started to put the bag in his pocket without looking at it.
I said I might have bent the post. so he looked at the bag. The look on his face when he saw 2 earrings in the bag was priceless. He might be trading in his metal detector for a better one.